
chief standing near body of water

What’s “Essential”

In order to effect the lockdown, many governments have categorized types of works as either “essential” or “non-essential”. This is because most governments, for a variety of reasons, have not quarantined only those who are ill or exposed, but everyone. This differs from the historic and Scriptural versions of quarantine (Lev. 13:45-46; 14:33-53). But my point

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Holding Dueling Truths

One of Christianity’s requirements, and one of its gifts to the world, is the ability to hold two seemingly irreconcilable truths at the same time. For instance, we hold that God is sovereign, and man is culpable, for his actions. The word for this is antinomy. The greatest antinomy is Jesus, who was both all God and

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On Technology and Church

On Tuesday we initiated a flurry of technological stop-gaps to the problem of not being able to gather right now. The role of technology in the church, however, deserves further reflection. First, let me say, I don’t like not meeting together. Nor do I like technological substitutes for face-to-face contact. Not one bit. Because that’s just what

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Together in the Chaos

A word from an Elder… Chaos is described as disorder or disarray.  Well, here we are in CHAOS. Our church is in a time of not able to “gather together.”  To the church it means a lot. Not seeing one another face to face or “in person fellowship.”  We are encouraged to spend time together

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