Statement of Faith Discussion

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Lord and Savior and returning King,

Beginning this last summer we elders communicated to you, our congregation, that we intended to recommend that the membership of Grace Church adopt the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) Statement of Faith which was adopted by the EFCA Conference in June of 2019.

Having been in study and discussion for many months regarding this possible change, and, after careful consideration of how this change may affect our many members of God’s flock here at Grace Church, both new and longtime members, the elders have come to a unanimous decision regarding the EFCA Statement of Faith and are now making our recommendation to the members of our Grace Church family.

Our recommendation is in the form of a motion, which will be made at our upcoming Congregational Meeting on October 26, 2022 at 6:00pm. After receiving a “second” to this motion we will open the floor up for discussion and comments, eagerly listening to everyone who has something which they determine is important to add to the discussion. May God’s will be done among us, His family. Here is our motion.

“The elders move that the members of Grace Church of Elk Grove adopt the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) Statement of Faith dated June 19, 2019 (Link) and place it into our church constitution in place of our current Statement of Faith which the EFCA adopted in 1950.” (Link)

As noted above, the elders are calling for a Congregational Meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:00pm, following our usual 5:30pm Cornerstone/Breakout dinner. Please come for dinner, bring the kiddos, and enjoy a sweet time of fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

Also, please note: On Wednesday evening, October 19th (the Wednesday before the Congregational Meeting), the elders will host a Q&A session instead of the normal adult Cornerstone/Breakout teaching time (after the children go to their classes). If you want to ask questions about this important Statement of Faith change, we encourage you to come with your thoughts to better be prepared for the Congregational Meeting on the 26th.

Please read both the current and the proposed EFCA Statements of Faith and come to our

Quarterly Family Meeting on October 26th for mutual encouragement, lively discussion, and loving fellowship as we discuss this important motion. Call me if you need some help getting copies of these documents to read.

Your fellow servant of our Lord Jesus, 

Dan Russell, church chairman