Waterman Road will be closed off to traffic betweenWaterman Court and Brinkman Court from August 22th through September 30th.
This may effect your route to church, if you use Waterman Rd from Grant Line to get to the church.

Access to driveways and parking lots may be impacted September 26th – 28th. During the course of road rehabilitation to improve Waterman Road, access to Waterman Road will be limited at various time. GRI will need to remove and replace the existing roadway with new asphalt. Work hours will be from 7 am to 5 pm. Driveways accessing Waterman Road between Brinkman Court and Muffy Court will be impacted from 9/26/22 to 9/28/22 during grinding and paving operations. Driveways may be inaccessible for up to 4 hours. Intermittent Lane closures will flow the paving port of work from 9/28/22 to 10/7/22. Signage will be inhaled when access to Waterman Road is limited to keep GRI’s employees and local traffic safety.