Our Missionaries

Fred Bailey - InterVarsity Senior Interim-Ministry Associate
For over 75 years, InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around Scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture. Fred lives and serves in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Connect with their work: 3386 Bluett Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 — website: InterVarsit
John and Sally Childress - Life is Full of Choices
Connect with their work: 33 Brutton Way, Chard Somerset TA20 2HB GB — website: Life is Full of Choices

Daniel Denton - FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
My vision for FCA in the Elk Grove and greater Sacramento region is to build authentic growing relationships with coaches, athletes, teachers, students of all ages, and the local community through sharing the gospel in tangible ways. Now is the perfect time to walk alongside students in their relationship with Jesus and equipping them with the appropriate skills and tools as they navigate through tough formative years.
Connect: email
Donate: Link
Nathan and Siobahnne Duhe - Wycliffe Bible Translators
Nathan and Siobahnne are a translation team serving the Aighon people in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea has over 800 languages and approximately 300 of these languages have no scripture translations, either written or in audio format.
Besides helping translate the Bible, they will work with those who become followers of Christ to help them use their creative abilities to glorify God in ways that are relevant to their culture.
Nathan and Siobahnne would be very excited to have you partner with their Wycliffe ministry in Papua New Guinea!
Learn more about there ministry with Wycliffe. To support Nathan and Siobahnne clicke here.

Rick and Janet Hann - Life is Full of Choices
Our goal is to support to pastoral and missionary couples and individuals and at the same time be a retreat and restoration ministry as long as God keeps doors open here in Hawaii. Hawaii is currently open to travelers and we have couples scheduled to come this year! We will also serve the retreat needs of couples served by our former ministry, New Vitality. We will now have the opportunity to expand both of these areas of ministry under Life is Full of Choices. We will continue to meet with both individuals and couples and will praise God as He brings each opportunity.Rick and Janet have created a space to provide respite for ministry leaders in Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Connect with their work: PO Box 385054, Waikoloa, HI 96738 — website: Halehookipa
Larry and Linda Ingalls - Shilo Military Ministries
Cadence International is an evangelical mission agency dedicated to reaching the military communities of the United States and of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Ingalls provide support to the Fort Riley Army Post in Kansas.
Connect with their work: Rivendell House 2202 Ponca, Junction City, KS 66441-4844 — website: The Rivendell House

Ben and Taja Mora - Omega Task
The Omega Task is a Christian non-profit mission, based in Grecia, Costa Rica. Ben and Taja minister to the families and children who work in the coffee fields in Costa Rica by providing kids clubs to share God’s love. They also help provide prenatal care and mentor mothers with Bible studies and sewing classes.
Connect with their work: PO Box 733-4100, Grecia, Aljuela, Costa Rica, 20301 — website: The Omega Task
Taylor and Rebekah White – African Inland Missions
Taylor and Rebekah are called by God to share the love of Jesus and the truth of His gospel among the Swahili people of Southeastern Tanzania. Together with their 4 children, they are excited to be part of the mission in reaching the 70+ unreached villages of this region. Their goals are to bring the power of the gospel to them, make disciples of the believers, and see God’s Kingdom grow in this area.