Small Groups

“I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake”
Philemon 1:6

Grace Church promotes many home Bible study groups around the Elk Grove area.  If you wish to attend one of these fellowships, contact the host, named below, for more information.

Current Small Groups for Couples and Adults -

  • Thursday Evening at 6:30pm, in Emerald Park area of Elk Grove. This fall we will be studying “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller. Contact Dan at (916) 204-0859 or email
  • Thursday Afternoons at 3:00pm, in the Vintage Park area of South Sacramento. We are currently in a study of the book of Psalms. For more information, contact Alan at (916) 230-9571 or email
Jed Ann
  • Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 pm Our small group will begin meeting February 4th and then every other Tuesday night from there out. Each week’s discussion will be scripture based. This first meeting will be at the church & we’re going to have pizza! Later gatherings will be hosted at someone’s home. If you have any questions, contact Ann at

Plus, we have groups specifically intended for women and men.

Dan n Judy
  • Wednesday Morning Men’s Group meets 8 am at the church.
    We meet 8 AM at the church to take a “deeper dive” into the Scriptures that are being exhorted from Sunday’s sermon.
    The current sermon series is in the New Testament book of First Corinthians.
    Coffee and donut holes typically make a showing and the fellowship of the brothers is sweet; so come and be fed both spiritually and physically.
    Contact Dan Russell at (916) 204-0859 or email for any questions about the study.
  • Thursday Morning Lady’s Group meets 9:30am at the church. We are currently in a study of the book of Isaiah. For any questions you may have, contact Linda at