Men's Ministry
Our Men’s Ministry values the role that men have in encouraging other men in the faith. We prioritize relationships, and being in God’s word together. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Psalms 27:17).
Regularly Scheduled
Men’s Bible Study (Monday Nights, 6:30 pm, at church.)
This group gathers almost every Monday night, at 6:30 pm, at church. Recently one of the guys suggested a book, and after reading it, I (Pastor Jed) am simply thrilled with it. It might be the best book I’ve read on the subject. And by “best” I mean that it’s timely to men in our season of history, and at the same time it’s timelessly biblical – a rare book that way.
Guys in this group range in ages. Our gatherings are pretty simple: one man facilitates our discussion from the content (in this case, the above book), and as we discuss, Pastor Jed chimes in with teaching points. And then we pray. Simple.
Though we should mention that there are other times when we gather just to eat brats, and enjoy liquid refreshment that aptly pairs with brats. Because we believe in the three doctrines of authentic mens’ groups:
- Sausage is a food group (while kale of course is a result of the Fall)
- Jolly conversation is a necessity
- Wisdom is often found around a bonfire.
Questions? Interested? Contact Jed ( or Kyle Scheuerlein or Jim Ring (
Men’s Bible Study Wednesday Mornings, 8:00 am, at the church and Zoom.
This study utilizes Man in the Mirror (, a weekly video series with discussion question on a wide array of topics designed for men and their walk with Christ, all directly from God’s Word.
Men’s Breakfast – Second Saturday of Every Month, 7:30-9am, 9766 Waterman Rd.
Our monthly Men’s Breakfast has been a blessed time of food and fellowship. After we eat, we have a regular rotation of gifted teachers in our fellowship who lead us in discussion, a chapter at a time, as we work our way through various books of the Bible. We’re out by 9am, so you still have the rest of your Saturday ahead of you!
Annual Events
Men of Grace Church, a retreat is planned for us at Wolf Mountain Christian Camp in Grass Valley. The name of the retreat is “Tempered”; referring to the process of tempering metal to improve its character and toughness.
The dates are March 9-11, 2023 (YES, that’s Thursday to Saturday) and the cost is $186 per person.
Sign up in the church lobby and if you have any question call Jim Ring (916) 505-8247.
Other Events
Also, stay tuned to our Upcoming Events page for more Men’s Ministry opportunities. These have recently included, a Sacramento River Cats baseball game, Stockton Heat hockey game, Events at Elk Grove Park, BBQs, and a Golf Tournament.
Interested? Questions? Contact Steve Demers (