Cornerstone - Wednesday Evenings 5:30 -7:15 pm
Our new church family night is called “Cornerstone.” There’s something for everyone – even dinner!
Here’s the plan:
– 5:30-6:00 pm Dinner together, as one, loud, enjoyable church family
– 6:00-6:55 pm Teaching – children breakout by age grouping to learn similar information as the adults in a way that they can understand.
– 6:45-7:15 dessert, play, and fellowship. This is an important piece of our life together as a church:
– It’s the one time during the week when we can all get together and spend time as one, loud, joyous church family. I don’t mean “the families” of the church gathering, but everyone gathering – unmarried, married, married with kids, widows, kids – everyone! – as one family.
– We’ve scheduled it on Wednesday, because we want to touch bases and re-energize during the week.
– It’s also the one time when we can receive teaching and discuss important issues of our day together, issues that we do not usually get to address on Sunday mornings.
– It’s a great place to give other current and potential leaders the opportunity to teach the congregation from God’s Word, and to develop in this crucial practice.
– It will be our time slot for congregational meetings.
But Most Importantly – because we are all talking about the same thing, you can sit around your tables as a family at home, or in the commute to school, or driving to grandma’s talking about God, the Bible, and what it means to be a Christian in California today. The teaching doesn’t stop at 6:45 on Wednesdays. You keep it going all week long in your home.
If you’ve been in a church in the past that did Sunday evening “services” or mid-week “events” (probably a LONG time ago), this will probably not be what you remember. This will be more rowdy, probably louder, I hope more familial, and I trust, something that feeds you for true vitality in your soul. Thus I hope you see that your presence will be crucial. Teens can get to know you better, as you eat together. Potential leaders can grow further, as they interact with you in their teaching. Our congregational meetings will that much richer, with your input and questions. So we invite you to come, enjoy the family of God, and feed on Christ!
For You, His People,
New City Catechism
Our Wednesday evening teachings will focus on curriculum called the New City Catechism. But was is that? Isn’t Catechism a Catholic thing? Aren’t we Evangelicals? In this short video, Pastor Jed explains what catechism means and why we are doing this 3 year study.